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Pedestrian Signal Offers Safety Update In Pennington Gap

Richardson-Wayland Electrical Company employees R. J. Stevens and Luke Wagner (in bucket) work to complete a pedestrian signal at the intersection of Morgan Avenue and Kentucky Street in Pennington Gap. The signals will assist pedestrians in crossing the downtown intersection.

The replacement of the downtown traffic light in Pennington Gap includes pedestrian walk signals for improved safety. Michelle Earl, Bristol District communication person for VDOT, said the project includes replacing a span wire signal which was originally installed in 1975 with one that utilizes a mast arm along with pedestrian signals at each corner. She said work began in March with Richardson Wayland Electrical Company of Roanoke the contractor for the project. Earl said the initial cost estimate for the project was $540,000 with the upgrade of the signal and installation of pedestrian facilities part of safety improvements within the Bristol District. Instructions for the signals include a figure to indicate when pedestrians can cross the intersection as well as time remaining for safe travel and a don’t cross display.


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